

Blame Lyrics

The song "Blame" is about personal accountability and taking responsibility for one's own actions. The narrator realizes that they have been blaming others for their mistakes and not taking ownership of their own shortcomings. Through the lyrics, the narrator expresses the struggle of wanting to change but feeling trapped in their own habits and behaviors. Ultimately, the message of the song is that in order to move forward and grow, it is important to acknowledge one's own mistakes and take responsibility for them rather than blaming others.

Blame Lyrics

Track - Blame
Artist - Alban Chela & Shiah Maisel


Oh I don’t know what I’m supposed to say
When every day, I walk away
Yeah I’m a little afraid of commitment

Oh sometimes, the weeks go by
Lose track of time
My tired eyes
Feel like they need some sleeping

Pre 1:
But I stay up all night
Wondering when things will change
But I always blame other people
For my mistakes

I stay up all night
Will I wake up the next day
And i always blame other people
For my mistakes

Oh i always blame other people
For my mistakes

Oh i always blame other people

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